Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sex Education

Sexuality is an important component of life and is a natural part of human growth. Understanding our sexuality contributes to one’s discernment in taking the rights choices regarding sex. However, our society still is tormented by the fear imposed by Christianity that sex is the corrupting source of one’s soul. Thus, sexuality is not a topic that parents and educators feel comfortable discussing with children. The youth is either getting wrong sex information from venues such as friends and the internet or getting no information at all. It is primordial that we demand changes and seriously address this issue of misinformation and provide our future generation with all the knowledge necessary for them to make responsible decisions about their bodies.
It is discouraging to see the recent statistics regarding sexual health of the American Youth. Teenagers are at great risk of contracting sexual transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies due to ignorance of their own sexuality. Most teenagers look for information about sexuality from their close friends. Pressure from friends contributes to engagement in unprotected sexual activities putting their health at risk. Parents are not proactive in starting conversations about sexual health with their children due to taboos, ignorance and the false belief that they have no influence on their children’s behavior. Children feel embarrassed to ask for information from parents and educators in fear of rejection. This cycle of shame only exacerbate bad sexual decisions. The media has also part of the blame in contributing to provoke children in engaging in early sexual activity due massive use of sex images to sell their products. With their higher part of the brain not fully developed, teenagers do not understand the risk they are putting themselves into when they have unprotected sex because of the idea that “it won’t happen to them”.
Informing our children about safe sex practices will contribute to their general health. Understanding sexuality as a whole should be part of the United Nations human’s right. Kids with the proper information can make responsible decision whether they choose to abstain or engage in sexual activity. Safe sex education should be part of every school curriculum so kids can comprehend the importance of protected sex and the contraceptive options available to them. Our society cannot blindly assume that all of our teenagers will not engage in sexual activities even when they were told that abstinence is the best option in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies. Abstinence only sex educational programs supported by conservative views in our government do not effectively reduce early sexual initiation, STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Only with a comprehensive sexual education program we will be able to see changes risky behaviors and better the quality of life of teens and prevent long term health consequences.

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